Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 3, 2011

Verizon iPhone 5 simultaneous launch mandated by Apple parity policy

The Verizon iPhone 5 will launch alongside the AT&T iPhone 5, possibly as a single cross-compatible device, when the fifth generation iPhone’s launch window rolls around later this year. Despite expectations from some corners that the late launch of the Verizon iPhone 4 could cause Apple to delay rolling out the iPhone 5 on Verizon even as it debuts on its traditional annual cycle on AT&T, Apple has already laid too much groundwork for a simultaneous iPhone 5 rollout to turn back now.
The non-active presence of a hybrid antenna system in the Verizon iPhone 4 means that while Apple was not yet ready to scrap the original iPhone 4 and present the new Verizon version as a hybrid model, the technical legwork has already been accomplished. This strongly suggests that Apple plans to pull the trigger on having a single iPhone 5 model for all involved carriers, and as such, would not launch such a model on AT&T in the summer, for instance, while holding it back from Verizon customers until the fall or later.
For additional evidence of how Apple now views the iPhone’s various carriers, consider the lone television ad which Apple has aired to mark the occasion of the Verizon iPhone launch: the spot shows the two flavors of iPhone 4 side by side, doing the same tasks. The message is that in Apple’s eyes, the two current iPhones are one and the same, and so are the two carriers. Apple is already laying the groundwork for an iPhone 5 era in which there is literally only one iPhone 5 flavor and the carriers are all treated equal. The overriding question now is not whether Verizon and AT&T will get the iPhone 5 at the same time but rather whether all four U.S. carriers have the iPhone 5 at launch, as Sprint and T-Mobile are expected to be brought into the mix eventually.
Here’s more on the iPhone 5.

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iPhone 5 Review – Want An iPhone 5?! Then You NEED To Read This!!

The NEW iPhone 5 Is Released THIS YEAR

Are you as excited about the release of the new iPhone 5 as I am? Probably not, because I’m the one writing this hub and you’re the one reading it (hopefully). I hate to admit it but somehow I’ve managed to become one of those Apple fangirls that you see walk into the Apple store and spend 30 minutes asking the employees all sorts of uber geek questions.
For one reason or another I’ve taken it upon myself to find out as much as possible about the new iPhone 5 so that I could spread this knowledge. What do I get out of it? The benefit of knowing I’m helping rid the world of lesser non-Apple phones (*cough HTC Evo cough*).
As if the iPhone 4 wasn’t groundbreaking enough, the iPhone 5 is going to revolutionize the world of cell phones. Here’s why:
One of the biggest benefits of owning a new iPhone 5 is that it’ll come with dual core processors that will make it load at super fast speeds. Not only that, but it will be incorporating even more powerful graphics chip cards, which will provide you with better video and still images. As if the 20 gigawatt gazillion megapixel already in the iPhone 4 wasn’t enough…
Right now it looks like the new iPhone 5 will be running on a 4G network (instead of the usual 3G). That means that some of the most likely network carriers to get a plan under are Sprint, T-Mobile, and maybe AT&T and Verizon. But we’ve all heard a lot of complaints about AT&T’s network in the past, so I’m not sure how many people would opt to go with them for the new iPhone.
In fact, one of the reasons behind the increase in Jailbreaks of the iPhone 4 was that AT&T’s network had way too many problems with it. Rather than deal with AT&T a lot of people ended up jailbreaking their phones instead, a fair deal considering you can get free ringtones, themes, and apps when you jailbreak your phone.
Also, anyone who says Android based cell phones are going to be able to compete with the new iPhone 5 are completely delirious. They won’t even come close to the capabilities offered by the new iPhone when it comes out.
If you’re thinking about buying the iPhone 4, you’ll be better off waiting for the iPhone 5 instead, as it should be coming out really soon this year. Here are some of the expected features:
  • The new iPhone 5 is expected to have Face Recognition Security so that you don’t have to worry about other people stealing your phone and trying to use it… That is, unless they steal your face too. (Anyone seen Face Off?)
  • Video Chat on a 4G network instead of a slow 3G one
  • Much nicer overall body design of the phone. It’s going to be even thinner and have a shiny black piece.
  • Shatter Resistant and Scratch Resistant Screen
  • The lowest model will come with 32G of space and 64G of memory. I’ll be able to store my whole computer on the lowest model of the iPhone 5. Yippeee for me.
  • Longer Battery Life – Up to 14 Hours of Talk Time On The 3G and 7 Hours on the 4G. With 14 hours of talking to my girlfriends, I’m only going to have 10 hours to sleep =(
  • HD Audio – The quality of sound is going to be extra crisp.
  • Built In GPS – You’ll never get lost or have to download one of those stupid GPS apps.
How much will the new iPhone 5 cost? I can’t speculate on that, but I’m going to assume it’ll run you over $500. It’s definitely going to be worth it though, and I can’t wait for it to come out.
[via hubpages]

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Non-existent iPhone 5 exhibits same antenna defect as Verizon iPhone 4

The iPhone 5, despite not existing yet, has been revealed to suffer from an antenna defect similar to the issues discovered in the Verizon iPhone 4 and original iPhone 4. Little to nothing is known about the upcoming fifth generation iPhone beyond the fact that it doesn’t exist, no one has gotten their hands on one, and so the iPhone 5 couldn’t possibly be known to have any defects or issues at this time. But that doesn’t matter, some experts say, because all smartphones from all manufacturers can be made to suffer from a slightly reduced signal strength if held in a specifically concocted way. As such, the iPhone 5 is already known to have antenna issues despite, again, not yet existing.
The news comes as a shock to some Verizon customers in particular, who opted to skip the Verizon iPhone 4 after hearing that if squeezed in a particular concocted manner, its signal strength could be reduced slightly. “I was counting on Apple figuring out how to violate the laws of physics by this summer,” replied one despondent onlooker. “If the Verizon iPhone 5 is subject to the same physical laws as any other smartphone, then what’s this all been about? Apple is clearly overhyped. I’m selling my AAPL stock.” He then pulled his Verizon Droid out of his pocket, launched his mobile stock trading website, and failed to notice when his Droid’s signal strength became slightly reduced after gripping the device at an unnatural angle when he suddenly had to swat frantically at a swarm of bees with his other hand while running down the street backwards.
It’s not yet clear how this discovery of an iPhone 5 antenna defect might affect Apple’s 2011 prospects, as one tech industry pundit insisted that an immediate product recall is in order. Such a recall may prove to be a challenge for Apple at this time as the iPhone 5 is not set to ship for perhaps half a year or more, and likely can’t be recalled until after it’s begun shipping. Some tech bloggers have already demanded that Apple immediately offer free iPhone 5 cases to all those who might potentially buy an iPhone 5 once it hits the market. When contacted, an Apple rep explained that iPhone 5 cases don’t yet exist because the iPhone 5 body styling hasn’t yet been determined even by Apple itself. But some leading technology experts aren’t buying the explanation, instead pointing to it being yet another example of Apple being needlessly unwilling to discuss products that aren’t yet even close to existing.
Here’s more on the iPhone 5.

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iPhone 5: keys, height, and other feature claims that won’t happen

The iPhone 5 will come in a miniature size and include a slide-out keyboard, right after it gets done having alien babies and performing a duet with a unicorn. And yet the nonsensical feature claims just keep coming, as one tech geek after another makes up a pet claim in the hopes it’ll become a self fulfilling prophecy. The iPhone features the mainstream loves are the same ones the geeks hate, and yet the geeks write the technology headlines, so there’s always going to be some geek somewhere making up some geek-leaning iPhone 5 feature claim in the hopes it’ll gain enough momentum that Apple will have no choice but to acquiesce. It never works. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. So in the spirit of debunking the nonsense before it spreads any further, here are the top five phony feature claims swirling around the iPhone 5 and why they make too little sense to be taken seriously.
The claim: the cheapest iPhone 5 model will have a smaller screen. The reality: doing so would result in an iPhone which can’t run iOS or anything from the App Store. Good luck with that. The fallacy: because there was once an iPod mini, there has to be an iPhone mini, right?
The claim: the iPhone 5 will come with an optional slide-out keyboard. The reality: it would make the iPhone 5 needlessly chunky (and clunky). And Apple won this battle awhile ago, with keyboard-laden smartphones like the BlackBerry falling by the wayside. The fallacy: geeks like products with more complication, more buttons, and more moving parts. Consumers like the opposite.
The claim: the iPhone 5 will have a removable battery. The reality: the iPhone has gone five years without a removable battery compartment, the iPod has gone nine years without one, and even Apple’s MacBook laptops are moving in that direction. The mainstream is just glad their iPhone doesn’t have a battery door with a broken tab which they had to reattach with duct tape, as had been the case with every cellphone they owned prior to the iPhone. The fallacy: Geeks like taking things apart, even if means just being able to remove the battery every now and then for kicks. Consumers don’t like taking things apart unless they absolutely must.
Here’s more on the iPhone 5.

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iPhone 5 Qwerty Keyboard will be Available Soon

In a recent post about iPhone, I mentioned the release of iPhone 5, iPhone 5 Nano and iPhone 5 Shuffle this summer. However, it is suspected that there will not be iPhone 5 Shuffle. Instead, Apple is planning to surprise us with iPhone 5 Qwerty, the first iPhone with physical keyboard.
The iPhone 5 Qwerty will have a slide-out keyboard like what we’ve seen on HTC Pro 7 or Desire Z. Since the first iPhone model released in 2007, there have been 4 versions and all of them don’t have the hardware keyboard. Many experts believe that Apple is targeting the market of businessmen that BlackBerry is dominating. Many people don’t want to use iPhone just because it’s not integrated with hardware QWERTY keyboard. This change absolutely will satisfy more people and bring massive profit to Apple.
In related news, the normal iPhone 5 will not have significant improvements like we expected. It will look very similar to the iPhone 4, there are just some changes in specs like an 8MP camera, faster processor and a longer-lasting battery.
[via tek3d]

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iPhone 5 Pictures Leaked

Today, a picture of a strange iPhone has been spread widely on Chinese technology forums and blogs. If this picture is real, we can be sure that this is the leaked design of the upcoming iPhone 5. At this time, there hasn’t been any confirmations from reliable sources yet, so we will need to wait more for official news. I will update this post immediately when there are more news about this. Hopefully, there will be no more people committing suicides like what happened earlier at Foxconn iPhone factory in China.
Now take a look at the first iPhone 5 picture and have your own judgment. It my opinion, it is far better than what we saw at iPhone 5 concepts. Do you think so?
[via tek3d]

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iPhone 5 sooner than later, as teased by non-white Verizon iPhone 4

And the final clue arrives that the sooner-than-later iPhone 5 will indeed arrive not long away from the just-launched Verizon iPhone 4: it didn’t come in white after all. After a good eight months missing in action, the white iPhone 4 suddenly became a topic by default this past month as Apple had one last opportunity to make a white-colored fourth generation iphone happen with the Verizon launch. Some predicted Verizon would get the white iPhone exclusively, which would have set off a firestorm among those on AT&T who’ve been waiting for it. Others expected Apple to use the opportunity to launch the white model across both iPhone 4 flavors, giving everyone something new to chew on. And some thought the white iPhone 4 might somehow be tied to one particular retailer. But as it turns out, all the iPhone 4 iterations have certainly carried out their proverbial foursquare check-ins by now, and none of them came in white. That means Apple is no longer even trying to make the white model happen for this generation. And that means that the next iPhone generation isn’t any further off than we thought. In other words, have fun standing in line in the summer heat to get your iPhone 5.It was dicey enough for Apple to push a new Verizon-specific iPhone 4 model to market halfway through the iPhone 4 lifecycle, but it had to be done. In fact some have interpreted it as being a sign that the iPhone 5 isn’t coming until much later, the notion being that Apple doesn’t care about pushing out a Verizon iPhone 4 this late because the iPhone 5 isn’t coming until September or November or some such. It was even suggested this week, perhaps comically, that the iPhone 5 won’t arrive in 2011 at all (don’t bet money on that one). But if a late-arriving iPhone 5 were the case, Apple would have just gone ahead and pushed a white iPhone 4 to market this past week to coincide with the Verizon thing; it certainly would have brought an extra level of attention to a launch which was, for once in recent Apple memory, more a strong-selling sigh of relief than a let’s-get-in-line celebration. Instead, while Apple didn’t want to wait half a year to do the Verizon thing (see the long rise and then sudden recent fall in the popularity of the competing Verizon Droid for why the Verizon iPhone had to happen now), it clearly no longer sees a need to bother with a white iPhone 4 at all. And while there will be a white iPhone eventually if for no other reason than to make the “Where is the white iPhone?” questions go away, Apple is now happy to wait and do a white iPhone 5 instead. And that has to mean that the iPhone 5 is indeed as close as we thought it was all along.
Here’s more on iPhone 5.

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iPhone 5, iPhone Nano and iPhone Shuffle Released this Summer

Today, many news about the upcoming iPhone 5 are spread all around the Internet. And those are very good news for all Apple fans. There will be not only one version of iPhone 5, it is very possible that Apple will release the 3 new iPhone versions, namely iPhone 5, iPhone Nano and iPhone Shuffle, at the same time.
Details of these handsets haven’t been disclosed officially, however, today Bloomberg reports that Apple is working on the new models and they aim to gain market share from Nokia and Android devices. Google’s Android had a successful year as it ended 10 year domination of Nokia to become the most popular platform for smartphone. Apparently, Apple can’t just sit and look their competitors become stronger each day. The production of small and cheap iPhone shows that Apple is trying to get new customers with average incomes, this is the market that Apple has missed for many years.
The iPhone 5 Nano will be 1/3 smaller than the current iPhone 4, and moreover, it could cost only $200 off-contract. That would be a great price for an Apple product, many people want to own a cheaper iPhone and this is a great choice for them instead of outdated Nokia devices.
Besides, iPhone 5 would be able to run on multiple wireless networks. Therefore, AT&T and Verizon customers won’t have to worry because it will be available on both GSM and CDMA networks. Apple was successful in making iPods smaller, so there is no reason they can’t do it again with iPhone Nano and iPhone Shuffle. Let’ see their releases this summer and how Apple will surprise us.
[via tek3d]

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iPhone 5 Pics and its Expected Features

It is almost 100% that iPhone 5 will be released for both AT&T and Verizon this summer. Apple doesn’t state this news officially because Verizon iPhone 4 has been available for a few days and they want to increase sales of this phone. However, smart consumers will not rush into the iPhone 4 and then get stuck with the outdated iPhone in just about 5 months. The iPhone 5 will include the latest and greatest features to date, so patient people will be paid off. If you think you can’t wait, I am sure following pictures and expected features of iPhone 5 can change your mind.

Better Home Screen and Interface


HD Output


Dual-core Processor featuring a pair of 1GHz ARM Cortex A9 cores


Improved 3D Graphics with PowerVR SGX545


Expandable Memory


Flash Support


4G Network Compatible

[via tek3d]

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Trouble free: iPhone 5 must dodge these four previous-gen pitfalls

After an eight month stretch which has seen the iPhone 4 become Apple’s most successful, most controversial, and most unusual iPhone generation to date, the clock is ticking on the iPhone 5 era. And while no major leap forward goes off without some kind of unforeseen issues, Apple needs the iPhone’s fifth generation to be trouble free right from the start. Here are four issues which dogged the iPhone 4 but need to not be a part of the iPhone 5 era once it gets underway later this year.
Bug free: The iPhone 4 shipped with a proximity sensor software bug which saw some users placing their iPhone up to their ear yet the screen remaining on, causing their cheek to issue phantom input on its touchscreen. With that issue now cleaned up, there’s little reason to expect it to return with the iPhone 5. But then again, the proximity sensor wasn’t the “issue” which detractors and clowns in the media latched themselves onto…
Controversy free: You can’t Apple to “fix” an antenna “defect” with the iPhone 5 which never actually existed with the iPhone 4 (although some jackasses are now doing exactly that). There never was an iPhone 4 antenna defect, and there never will be one regardless of how many self-serving idiots attempt to claim there was one. But that didn’t stop certain neanderthals from successfully tricking portions of the mainstream public into believing there was a defect. How Apple manages to work around these concocted, fraudulent claims in the iPhone 5 era is not exactly clear. But Apple managed to silence many of the biggest jackasses in the media simply by tossing them a free iPhone 4 case. If that’s all it takes, then Apple should be able to get a handle on the hordes of media morons who are already lining up to claim that there’s an iPhone 5 antenna defect – either way, it’s something that Apple should see coming well in advance.
Color: Remember when the white iPhone 4 finally went on sale? Neither do we. This time around, Apple needs to get the white iPhone 5 model out the door, in quantity, from day one.
Hybrid: The iPhone 5 generation needs to avoid this nonsense of rolling out for one carrier in the summer and the other in the winter. It was fine in the iPhone 4 era, as that’s just the way the ball had to get started rolling. But whichever carriers the iPhone 5 is going to be on, it needs to debut on all of them from day one. Here’s more on the iPhone 5.

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iPhone 5 must be summer release; Verizon iPhone 4 already staked it

Forget what you’re hearing about the iPhone 5 being “delayed” until the fall. It’s not going to happen. While the Verizon iPhone 4 launch was impressive by Verizon standards, it didn’t attract the interest of the typical annual iPhone launch, each of the four of which has been a progressively larger spectacle in terms of lineups and sales. And yet data shows that interest in the iPhone among Verizon customers is strong. The conclusion is that Verizon customers are by and large waiting for the iPhone 5, which most among the industry expect to surface this summer – based on the fact that new iPhone generations have always surfaced in the summer and Apple almost breaks with its iOS upgrade cycle pattern these days. So the report from overseas that the iPhone 5 might not ship until closer to the holidays is something that must be considered to be out in left field, and for one simple reason: the widespread expectation of a summer iPhone 5 has created the need for a summer iPhone 5, even if it means Apple has to fake it.
Among Verizon customers (and for that matter AT&T customers) who’ve opted to skip the iPhone 4 in favor of the iPhone 5, an eight to ten month delay the latter’s arrival, as claimed by the report, would be a catastrophe for Apple. Customers would be in a prolonged holding pattern, not wanting to buy the aging iPhone 4 but wondering just how long they have to wait for a delayed iPhone 5. At best Apple loses a sale until much later in the year. At worst, Verizon’s fence sitters decide that since neither iPhone-based option sounds appealing, they’ll just stick with the platform they’re on, even if they’d rather be on the iPhone. It’s an odd logic, but it’s rooted deep in the mindset of the consumer mentality.
And so even if the report were true, that the iPhone 5 were delayed because of some issue with the manufacturing of the new hardware model, Apple would instead be inclined to simply cheat. While it wouldn’t be ideal, Apple could release an “iPhone 5″ which features the same body styling as the iPhone 4, which would remove any issues with manufacturing the new design, and instead shelve the new design for the “iPhone 6″ in summer 2012. If Apple felt it would take too much heat by having an “iPhone 5″ which was externally almost identical to the iPhone 4 and the Verizon iPhone 4, it could then refer to the new model as the “iPhone 4S” or some such, saving the “iPhone 5″ moniker for summer 2012 instead. In other words, there are plenty of possibilities. And even if Apple did push an iPhone 4S out the door this summer, it would be a sign to those who skipped the iPhone 4 that the time has come to dive in to the new model. Even if the styling were the same, the specs and features would improve greatly, as they always have. Something to keep in mind the next time you hear claims that there won’t be a new iPhone generation this summer.
Here’s more on the iPhone 5.

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Forget iPhone 5: five reasons to go Verizon iPhone 4 now, summer be damned

The argument keeps coming from all sides: don’t buy the    Verizon iPhone 4, or any iPhone 4, now. Wait until this  summer when the iPhone 5 is expected to launch on whichever carriers are on board with the iPhone platform by that time. And while it’s advice worth considering (we’ve offered our reasons to wait as well), there are just as many reasons to forget about the iPhone 5, throw caution to the wind, and take the plunge on the Verizon iPhone 4 right now.
Unknown: What exactly are you waiting for? Do you really know anything about the iPhone 5? We don’t. You’re waiting for a future product whose unknown new specs and features may not offer anything you personally want or need.
Verizon: You’ve been waiting since 2007 for a Verizon iPhone. You have it now. You can buy it today. Now, after years of waiting, you’re going to get picky and say you don’t want a Verizon iPhone until it’s the Verizon iPhone 5?
Release date: We think the iPhone 5 is coming this summer. You do too. But what if Apple changes course and doesn’t release it until the start of the 2011 holiday season? You’ve decided you can wait four months, but how about ten months?
Mean time: And just what are you using in the mean time, anyway, as you sit around waiting for the iPhone 5? That lame Verizon Droid you never really wanted? Or a generic flip phone which is falling apart but you’ve been clinging to it for years anyway as you waited for the Verizon iPhone to arrive? You can keep playing that game, or you can get an iPhone on Verizon today.
Both ways: With upgrade pricing being what it is, it may ultimately not be cheap to buy a Verizon iPhone 4 now and then turn around and buy a non-fully-subsidized Verizon iPhone 5 this summer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do it. In fact when the time comes, you should be able to sell your iPhone 4 to your idiot brother in law (or really, to anyone with an eBay account) for enough money to cover the extra you’ll have to pay to dance around the upgrade pricing violation. In other words, unless you’re cash strapped, buying a Verizon iPhone 4 now doesn’t mean you can’t also buy an iPhone 5 later

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