Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 3, 2011

Time Warner Cable posts live cable television iPad app, Dish Networks digresses

DWCable TV (left) and Dish Remote Access (right)
Time Warner Cable just posted their free live TV streaming app for iPad. Dubbed TWCable TV, it lets their subscribers stream live cable television programming via a high-speed WiFi connection to an iPad, the stuff like Bravo, Food Network, CNBC news and other selected live cable TV channels. The announcement has agitated spirits, prompting rival Dish Network to argue its Dish Remote Access app was first with live television streaming, even issuing a press release to back the claim.
TWCable TV features a handy channel guide and offers a selection of 32 cherry-picked channels for live streaming, but it falls short in advanced features found in similar offerings. For example, there are no parental controls or DVR scheduling capabilities. Likewise, the remote control functionality is nowhere to be found.
On a brighter note, the TWCable TV app doesn’t require a dedicated box whereas Dish Network’s program only works in conjunction with a Sling-enabled device. However, the Dish Remote Access app can tune in to any channel and it supports DVR recordings and remote control capabilities.
Both Dish Remote Access and TWCable TV are free App Store downloads for your iPad. Unlike Time Warner Cable, Dish Network also has an iPhone version of its app).
[via 9to5mac]

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Algoriddim’s awesome djay app now available on iPhone and iPod touch

Djay for iPad was the closest thing to having a real turntable. With its realistic, low-latency turntable interface, BPM syncing, pre-cueing, cue point trigger, beat-synchronized scrubbing and a bunch of other features, it’s one of the best iPad apps available. Heck, this piece of software is more than capable of replacing the entire DJ setup (especially racks of components and piles of CDs) with an ultrathin sexy slab of tablet computing. And now it’s available on iPhone and iPod touch with the full set of controls and sporting feature-parity with the iPad version.
Djay for iPhone is optimized for background operation and multitasking, it supports live mixing and recording, in addition to iPod library access, automix mode, AirPlay support and other advanced features from the iPad version. It’s a ten bucks download from the App Store. Here’s the full list of features provided by Algoriddim.
  • Dual turntable multi-touch DJ interface
  • Exclusive portrait and landscape modes
  • Audio waveforms display (overview and detail)
  • Visual Cue Points
  • Customizable vinyl appearance
  • Double-tap slider reset
  • Manual fader cut
  • Level meter swipe for gain adjustments
  • Direct iPod music library access
  • Album cover display
  • Browse by playlist, song, artist, album, genre, BPM, and time
  • As-you-type instant library searching
  • Support for major audio formats like MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF
  • Automatic Beat & Tempo Detection
  • BPM-Sync
  • Beat-Synchronized Scrubbing
  • Scratching
  • Tempo control (up to +-75% with customizable range and fine adjust)
  • Pitch-Bend
  • 3-band equalizer (-24 dB to +6 dB)
  • Turntable Power-Off FX
  • Auto-Cut Scratching
  • Automatic Transitions: Fade, Backspin, Brake, Reverse, Random
  • Auto Looping (with on-the-fly half/double)
  • Manual Looping (in, out, reloop)
  • Bounce Looping (1/16 to 2 beats)
  • Multiple Cue Points
  • Uses [aufTAKT] V3 (tempo tracking), S.R.C. V1 (sample rate conversion), and fx::pack V1 (audio effects bundle) by zplane.development
  • Ultra-low latency
  • Automix mode with automatic transition control
  • Pre-Cueing through headphones via stereo/mono split cable (left output channel: Master, right output channel: Monitor)
  • Recording (compressed AIFF files, with built-in organizer, preview player, and export to Mac/PC via iTunes file sharing)
  • AirPlay integration (broadcast to Apple TV, AirPort Express station, or any AirPlay-supported speaker dock, AV receiver, and stereo system)
  • Auto-Saving (cue points, beat-grids, BPM, wave data)
  • Fully optimized for iOS 4.2 multi-tasking and background audio
  • In-app settings
[via 9to5mac]

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Why does iOS 4.3 run home screen web apps two times slower?

iOS is throttling web apps that are saved and executed from home screen, according to an exclusive report by The Register. The publication found out that such home screen web apps run “roughly two to two and a half times slower” as opposed to executing them directly from the Safari browser. The issue was discovered in the recently released iOS 4.3 software which updated Safari with a speedy JavaScript engine dubbed Nitro.
The publication notes that the Nitro engine fails to kick in for home screen web apps while offline caching, asynchronous mode of execution and other HTML5 goodies are also off limits. Is Apple attempting to derail iOS web development in order to push native App Store programs?
Hard to tell. When the original iPhone came out, Apple suggested that developers use common web technologies. When the first official SDK was unleashed months later, web apps quickly took a backseat on iOS devices. On the other hand, Safari Dev Center encourages web-based iOS development and Steve Jobs stressed numerous times Apple’s support for two platforms, HTML5/CSS and the curated App Store platform. And if Apple wanted to cripple web apps, wouldn’t they also want to throttle them directly in Safari, not just from the home screen?
Of course, Apple has a vested interest in native apps due to a 30 percent cut they take from sales. I’ve argued nearly two years ago that the web is the ultimate app store and it’s true that many native apps are easily replicated with HTML/CSS, especially the stuff like news readers, social networking clients and more. Also important, web apps run on any device with a standards-complaint browser whereas their native counterparts lock you into a specific mobile platform.
On the other hand, consistent user experience has always been Apple’s top priority and web apps take away that control from them by mimicking native iOS look-and-feel via hard-coded style sheets. This is in stark contrast to native apps that go through APIs which take care of rendering the most up-to-date user interface elements.
[via 9to5mac]

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Verizon iPhones Fell Back an Hour Instead of Springing Ahead

If you need to wake up at any specific time tomorrow, beware: It appears that some Verizon iPhones fell back an hour at midnight tonight instead of springing forward.
Daylight saving time hits tonight/tomorrow morning, which means we all lose an hour of sleep — unless you have a Verizon iPhone, in which case you’ll wake up utterly confused, as phones are currently falling back an hour.
This isn’t the first time the iPhone has been foiled by time — an alarm glitch kept many Apple users from getting to work on time back in January as well.
Apparently, however, this issue is only affecting those with Verizon iPhones. If you have such a phone, restart your device to fix the issue and get the clock back to normal.
Update: It looks like some AT&T phones were affected by the glitch as well.
[via mashable]

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Springtomize: Jailbreak App Allows Users To Customize Almost All Aspects Of The iPhone

Student and iOS Developer, Filippo Bigarella has recently released a jailbreak app called Springtomize, which appears to be a collection of all the customization tweaks available for a jailbroken iPhone.
It allows you to customize your iPhone’s SpringBoard, look of the icons, folders, status bar, the lockscreen, customize various animations and lots more.
Here is the official description of the app:
Springtomize is the only tweak you’ll ever need to customize your device, in all of its aspects: from its capabilities to the look of your SpringBoard. You can disable elements you don’t use or that may slow down your device performances, you can customize the look of your icons, the dock, the folders and the Status Bar, or even your Lockscreen. Springtomize also allows you to save your SpringBoard layout and to restore it later, without wasting time moving icons inside folders or to their original positions!
You can also customize various animations of your SpringBoard or add nice mods to current ones, like choosing the color of the screenshot flash or to dim your device screen like an old TV when locking! Finally, in the Theming section you can choose to apply a custom dock or a transparent one; you can also make your icons transparent and set the brightness of your wallpaper, without having to edit the image with other apps!
Please note that there are still some known issues, which the developer is working hard to fix. He has just submitted a new version (v1.1), which fixes some of the issues.
You can checkout the demo video of the app in the action below:
Springtomize is available on Cydia for $2.99.
What do you think about Springtomize? Let us know in the comments below.
[via Filippo’s blog]

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Apple Won’t Include NFC Technology For Mobile Payments In iPhone 5, Most Likely In iPhone 6

It was speculated that Apple will build NFC chips into iPad 2 and iPhone 5. NFC is a short range wireless technology that enables devices to communicate with each other to perform simple transactions. This technology has been in use in countries like Japan and South Korea – but is yet to take off in the West.
When Apple unveiled iPad 2, it did not mention it and even the iPad 2 teardown has not indicated any possibility of Apple magically enabling the NFC feature in the future.
It looks like even iPhone 5, which is probably more ideal than iPad 2 for the “wave and pay” system may not get the NFC feature.
The Independent reports:
One source close to the discussions said: “The new iPhone will not have NFC, Apple told the operators it was concerned by the lack of a clear standard across the industry.” Yet Apple is understood to be working on its own NFC proposition, which would link payments through iTunes.
Apple is apparently working to bring the NFC technology to iOS devices next year (2012), which would mean that it will be introduced in iPhone 6.
Do you like the idea of turning your iPhone and iPad in to an easy payment system while on the move? Please share your views in the comments section below.
[via The Independent]

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Breaking News: iPad 2 Jailbroken

Comex, developer of popular jailbreaking tools like Spirit and JailbreakMe has successfully jailbroken iPad 2 that was launched on Friday.
That was quick, especially since Apple has patched the limera1n and the SHAtter exploit in iPad 2.
Comex broke the news via the following tweets and was also congratulated by the iPhone Dev team:
chpwn: by @comex: comex: would’ve had it yesterday if I didn’t have to spend 1.5 days looking for a replacement exploit (which came from a most unexpected place…) iphone_dev: Congrats to @comex for jailbreaking yet another brand new device (iPad2) while 2500 miles away from it!
You can checkout the photo of an iPad 2 running Cydia, the unofficial App Store for jailbreak apps.

There is currently no ETA on when it will be released. As always, we’ll let you know as soon as we’ve any further updates so stay tuned here at iPhone Hacks or follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our RSS feed.
[via Twitter (Comex)]

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Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 3, 2011

iPhone 5, in Droid era, more dependent on carriers than specs, features

As Apple prepares for the launch of the iPhone 5 this summer, the company finds itself in the odd position of needing to contend with a mainstream competitor which should never have existed. The iPhone is still the only smartphone which anyone outside of geek circles cares about, but it’s far from the only smartphone in popular use. The long-languishing BlackBerry is losing marketshare and has become the AOL of its industry. Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 is as obscure as Windows itself is mainstream. The HP Palm Pre doesn’t have a chance. The iPhone still has no competition except for one platform, which has roared into popular usage in much the same way cockroaches take over a house: unwanted, ugly, and leaving most folks eager to rid themselves of it if feasible. Apple’s mistake, of course, was in launching the iPhone in such a manner in which the door for a cockroach like the Droid was left wide open, a vacuum to be filled by anything which came along, and now Apple is left cleaning up its own mess as it heads into the iPhone 5 era.
Features and specs aren’t the iPhone’s problem and never have been. Outside of geek circles, the only segment of the population which actually prefers the Android OS to the iPhone, no one cares that there are Android phones available with built in 4G. Come to think of it, almost no one cares that the iPhone has FaceTime either. Greater than ninety-nine percent of smartphone owners can’t name the processor speed of their phone or that of any other phones they may have considered. Usability, more specifically a positive ratio of frustration-free use to frustration-filled geekiness, is the only real litmus test the mainstream has when it comes to such devices. It’s why the iPod won the MP3 marketshare battle hands down. It’s why the iPad is doing the same in the tablet market. But because of an iPhone original sin, Apple embarks on the iPhone 5 era with a fraction of the marketshare it should have, and more problematically, a statistically significant competing platform in Android which almost no one (outside of the geeks) has anything positive to say about, but which plenty of them are willing to settle for if it means being able to stay with their preferred carrier.
For a brief moment there, it appeared Apple was going to win the battle when it came to making the iPhone an AT&T-only product in the United States (and tying the iPhone to one carrier in each other nation) in the hopes of getting the public to mass migrate to that carrier. But even as Verizon’s internals show that was bleeding enough customers to AT&T over the iPhone prior to the Verizon iPhone 4 launch that the carrier’s growth had all but stalled out, that was more of a defeat for Verizon than it was a victory for Apple. Even as each non-iPhone carrier got its lunch individually eaten by the AT&T and the iPhone, with each carrier’s pet Android phone not being enough to keep customers from leaving in favor of the iPhone, that hasn’t been enough to keep the iPhone firmly atop the overall marketshare battle. And that’s shocking when one considers that none out of ten random non-geek consumers on the street will affirm that they want an iPhone, but perhaps only three out of ten actually have one. Ask why they’re using an Android based phone instead of the iPhone they say they want, their answer is straightforward and has nothing to do with Android. “I’m on Sprint,” they’ll say, as if that’s not a condition which can be corrected. “Our family uses T-Mobile,” they’ll protest, making it clear that they’d rather have a phone they can’t stand than a carrier they can’t trust. “I’m on Verizon,” they’ll retort, “and I skipped the Verizon iPhone 4 because it’s old news and I’m not eligible for upgrade pricing yet anyway. I’m waiting for the Verizon iPhone 5.”
So half the battle is won. The mass migration among Verizon customers from the Droid to the iPhone has begun in earnest, and will evolve into a tidal wave the moment the iPhone 5 surfaces. But if Apple wants to actually win the smartphone marketshare battle instead of continuing to fumble it away, the iPhone 5 must surface on Sprint and T-Mobile as well, along with every major carrier in every nation in which the iPhone 5 is offered. Years ago, it was a cute experiment to see whether Apple could use the leverage of exclusivity to motivate AT&T into becoming a carrier which iPhone users could be proud of. The results of that long term experiment speak for themselves. And now Apple must deal with a competing platform which no one seems to even like but which far too many people appear to be perfectly willing to settle for. Here’s more on the iPhone 5.
[via beatweek]

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Fix iPhone Error 1013

Yesterday Tina decided it was time to update her iPhone firmware. It was probably the first software update she did since she got her iPhone 4, months ago. Because she doesn’t need or even care about a jailbreak, her iPhone is clean. No jailbreak.
I was watching South Park when I heard her voice from upstairs: “honey, I have a problem, it’s saying something about error 1013“. Damn you, iPhone, for disturbing me while watching disturbing TV shows!
I had had this error 1013 before so I was confident it would be a one-minute fix…
As expected, iTunes was throwing the following error message: The iPhone “Tina’s iPhone” could not be updated. An unknown error occurred (1013). Just to make sure, I go through the restore process one more time, which takes 5-10 minutes and end up with the same error message.
Next step was downloading iReb, which didn’t do anything. Next step was downloading TinyUmbrealla, which didn’t do anything either. Without anymore ideas, I decided to Google the error, which took me to this thread on Apple’s forums.
After following the simple instructions detailed below, I was able to finally restore Tina’s iPhone.

On Mac:

  1. Open Finder
  2. Hold down COMMAND + SHIFT keys and press ‘G’
  3. Enter “/private/etc/” in the field and press “Go”
  4. Find “hosts” file in the directory
  5. Drag the file to your desktop
  6. Open it in a text editor
  7. Remove the line that has entirely or put a # at the beginning of it to comment it out
  8. Save the file
  9. Drag it back to the /private/etc/ folder.

On Windows:

Locate the hosts file in one of the following directories:
Windows 95/98/Me c:\windows\hosts
Windows NT/2000/XP Pro c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
Windows XP, Vista, 7 c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  1. Right click and click on “Open With…” and then click on “Notepad” on the list.
  2. Remove the line that has completely and save the file.
This whole operation took me a good 30 minutes, but most importantly, I missed one of my favorite South Park episodes, the one with the Dog Whisperer.
But, the best part of it was that I became the “hero” who once again fixed the iPhone.
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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iPhone 4 Gets Nearly Double the Battery Life of Some Android Phones

One of the biggest things I’m concerned with on my smart phone is battery life. What good is a wireless phone if it always needs to be plugged in? With some of my older iPhones (iPhone 2G, 3G), it was a major issue. But since I’ve gotten my iPhone 4, it’s never really been a problem.
I’ve had Android and Blackberries for work phones in the past, and I can honestly say the iPhone 4 is the best when it comes to battery life. Well it looks like my experience are in line with most everybody else’s, as cnet test results confirm that the iPhone is top dog…
The iPhone 4 from AT&T was able to playback video for 9.9 hours straight, while the Verizon version topped it with 10.3 hours. The best Android competitor was the Google Nexus S, made by Samsung, which checked in at 8.1 hours. Coming in dead last is the HTC MyTouch 4G, the one you see in the T-mobile commercials bashing the iPhone 4 for lack of wireless video chat, at 6.6 hours of video playback.
The audio playback tests were even more enlightening. The Verizon iPhone 4 topped out at 67 hours of audio playback, while the HTC MyTouch 4G topped Android phones with 21 hours. It was also interesting to see that the AT&T iPhone, while still well above the Android competition, came in at 40 hours of audio playback.
What’s with the 27 hour difference? Unlike the video tests, the audio playback trials were done with airplane mode off, so it’s likely they were in an area with poor AT&T coverage. When a phone constantly searches for service, the battery will drain quicker due to the strain.
Has anyone else seen similar playback times or have their own iPhone 4 battery life opinions? Tell us below!
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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iPhone 4 Hacked at Pwn2Own

Earlier today we mentioned that the iOS hacker, i0n1c, stated that he was going to wait until iOS 4.3.1 to release his jailbreak. This comes in wake of the events that took place in Canada at this years Pwn2Own contest. Of large interest to hackers and corporations alike, thousands turn out to witness the latest in cyber security fraud.
The name of the game is Pwn2Own, meaning if you are the fastest to hack it, you get it. These devices range from Blackberrys and iPhones, to MacBooks and laptops. Google was even on hand with a $20,000 reward to anyone who could hack their Chrome software. But day 2 was all about the iPhone 4, and was once again exploited by security expert, Charlie Miller…
Done through Safari, the exploit targets the iPhone 4 with a rigged website. Miller’s first attempt at the hack failed, causing the iPhone browser to crash. But once it was relaunched, Charlie was able to hijack the entire address book.
It is important to note that the iPhone 4 was running firmware 4.2.1, since 4.3 just went live this week. Although Miller’s Safari exploit still exists in 4.3, Apple’s new ASLR feature would have to be bypassed to make it work. This new layer of security seems to have hackers a bit baffled.
But the day belongs to Charlie Miller, and wherever he is with his new iPhone 4 and $15,000 prize money, we salute him.
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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Untethered Jailbreak Delayed Until iOS 4.3.1?

If you have been keeping up with your iOS 4.3 news daily, you know that everyone is holding their breath for an official jailbreak and unlock. Although jailbreaking was possible with beta versions of 4.3, it required you to hook up to your computer every time your iDevice rebooted. Yesterday, we showed you a video of an iPad, running 4.3, that was untethered and running the jailbroken app store Cydia.
Well it appears that the iPhone hacker behind that video, i0n1c, tweeted this morning that he will be waiting until iOS 4.3.1 to release his jailbreak. He goes on to say that he believes Apple will release 4.3.1 soon, because everybody saw the iPhone 4 getting hacked at the Canadian Pwn2Own competition this week. So why wait until the next version of iOS?

As i0n1c mentions in his tweet, releasing an iOS 4.3 jailbreak would burn the exploit used. Then, Apple would most likely patch the problem in 4.3.1, sending jailbreakers back to the drawing board. This is becoming a very dangerous game, as Apple begins to really tighten iOS security with features like ASLR. These types of measures are making jailbreaking more and more difficult.
So as before and always, we urge you to avoid updating to Apple’s new iOS 4.3 firmware until an official jailbreak is released. Stay tuned to iDB for all the latest jailbreak news.
[Redmond Pie]

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iPhone 5 Renderings Leak, Show Larger Screen

If you are new to the Apple ‘rumor mill’, pay attention. Due to Apple’s high profile products, and dedication to absolute secrecy on their projects, tech junkies are forced to look to other avenues for information. The interest surrounding Apple products really increased after they launched their original iPhone back in 2007. After changing the wireless industry, with an all in one touch screen device, people became extremely interested in what they would dream up next.
The latest target of the rumor mill, is the up and coming iPhone 5. After a major redesign with the iPhone 4 last June, one can only imagine what they might have in store for their next iteration. Luckily, overseas parts manufacturers are there to give us tidbits on Apple products, which is exactly what we have here.
Enter Chinese blog, iDealsChina. The images we show here, were posted on their website sometimes early this morning. It is a purported CAD rendering of Apple’s latest iPhone, which is scheduled to be officially announced sometimes early this summer.
These “mold engineering drawings”, the site is reporting, were created to aid case manufacturers in their production of new iPhone 5 accessories. These images directly conflict earlier reports that Apple was looking at a complete iPhone redesign, with an aluminum body.

But these pictures do coincide with claims that Apple’s next iPhone will indeed have a larger screen, and thinner display borders. With Android competition seeing such success with 4″+ screen sizes, Apple should be taking notice, and act accordingly.
But is this really the latest design out of Cupertino? Probably not. It’s been reported that Apple takes several measures to prevent leaks of upcoming products, including circulating fake prototypes within the company.
What do you guys think, is this the new iPhone 5? Is anyone hoping the next iPhone has a larger screen? Let us know below!
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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Dev Team Investigating New Permanent iPhone Unlock Method

Shortly after breaking the bad news about the iPhone 4 carrier unlock for iOS 4.3, iPhone Dev Team member @MuscleNerd announced that they aren’t giving up just yet and are currently investigating a new method to unlock the iPhone 4.
This method, called the “NCK”, is the key generated by Apple if they were to officially unlock your iPhone. Basically, it’s similar to an IMEI unlock code, which permanently unlocks the phone…MuscleNerd tweeted:
if turns out to be true, it’s unexpected surprise for those w/vuln BB’s. All the data is there for 40-bit brute force
To those patiently ignoring all the chatter from “promises” we never made comes a jewel: NCK unlock code is just 40 bits!
This new method will try to Brute Force the 40-bit NCK unlock code. For those of you unaware, brute forcing is trying all possible ways which will ultimately find the unique unlock code for your device. This “NCK-unlock” method has been known for over a few years now, when infamous iPhone and PS3 hacker, GeoHot started working on unlocking the iPhone 2G. The program GeoHot developed could “crack” this unique 15 digit long key for every device.
For more info on this permanent unlock solution, we’ve posted a FAQ courtesy of @veeence:
Since there is a lot of confusion out there, and since I’m repeating myself all the time (which I do not really like), I made this little write up of questions that are continuously being asked (my personal FAQ). Please not that this is a global explanation. Don’t try to argue with me on specific details.
1. What happened?! I thought the unlock for basebands 02.10.01 & 03.10.01 would be released within the next 2 weeks?
As you know the Dev-Team (MuscleNerd) have been working on the unlock for quite a while now. They were making great progress on the unlock, but they found out that they (accidentally) unlocked “one particular SIM card” instead of the baseband itself. Which means that the unlock would only be an unlock you could use with MuscleNerd’s T-Mobile SIM. So, useless. If the unlock would unlock the baseband instead of “the SIM”, it’d probably be out within 2 weeks (reasonable timeframe which they had hoped). But things turned out to be different. Basically these <2 weeks predictions were a lack of information.
2. What is this NCK-key cracking? How does it work?
The NCK-key is the key generated by Apple if you’d officially unlock you iPhone, and with officially I mean, via your carrier. This “NCK-unlock” method is known over a few years now, actually since geohot started working on unlocking the iPhone 2G. He developed a program that could “crack” this 15 digits long key and unique for every device. Geohots NCKBF program could do around 100,000 keys/second which would produce a hit in many years, or complete a search in 317 years. To get to a point where this is actually doable we would need many orders of magnitude of improvement. Even if you use a PS3 (would we still want to use this??) or special hardware (within 1,000 US$ range) you will only get an improvement of 20-100 times.. which doesn’t help much.
Now, luckily, with the exploits they have now, they can’t unlock your baseband, but they *can* capture more information from the baseband to speed up this cracking process. Since the NORID and CHIPID (unique for every device) are known, you’d apparently only have to check 40 more bits (5 digits). A 40 bits key is theoretically crackable on “home hardware” within a week (24/7). The downside of this approach is that you’ll have to keep your computer turned on, and your iPhone has to be connected. And that is the reason why they never tried it before. Please note that this method is completely theorical and has been NOT tried at all till this moment.
3. Now what? Should I sell my locked iPhone 4?
I’d wait for more information on this “NCK-unlock”. Right now it’s pretty vague what timeframe we’re talking about. If the Dev-Team can pull this method off, it’d be very promising for those waiting for an unlock. If this method turns out to be not doable, I’d consider selling your iPhone 4 and save up for a factory unlocked iPhone 5.
4. Do you think there is every going to be an unlock?
Of course. But that’s unlikely to be any time soon (with soon being <1 month).
5. If the NCK method fails, how long do you think it will take for the Dev-Team to unlock the iPhone 4?
No ETA at all. Could be a few weeks, but it could easily be a few months as well.
We’ll keep you updated when we learn more about this exploit!
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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How to Use Airplay with Your iPhone

One of my favorite features in iOS is AirPlay. I recently purchased an Apple TV2, and immediately saw the benefits. With AirPlay, you are able to stream content off of your iDevice, directly to your HiDef TV. This content can be photos and videos you’ve downloaded from iTunes, and even YouTube videos.
With Apple’s latest iOS software update, 4.3, your AirPlay options just multiplied, exponentially. You are now able to take advantage of 3rd party apps and websites that are AirPlay compatible. Since the popularity of this feature has really been on the rise, I figured it was time for a quick tutorial to show you how easy it really is to use AirPlay with your iPhone
Step 1: Make sure you have all the necessary equipment. You need wireless internet, an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and an Apple TV (black). Make sure the iDevice has active wireless (won’t work via 3G), and that your Apple TV is on and connected wirelessly.
Step 2: For all intents and purposes we will use YouTube as the example because everyone should have it. Open up YouTube to your favorite video. If you’re looking for suggestions this one is Songify – Charlie Sheen (hilarious!).

Step 3: Now if you did step 1 correctly, you should see this AirPlay icon in the controls menu that I circled in blue. Select it.

Step 4: Your Apple TV should show up as a playback option. Once selected, not only video but audio will be streamed directly through your TV. Depending on your connection speed, the video loads fairly quickly and plays smoothly.

Is it really that easy Cody? Yes, it is, my friends.
Has anyone used AirPlay before? Better yet, has anyone voided their jailbreak and played with AirPlay on 4.3? Tell us about it below!
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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Giveaway: 4 OtterBox Defender Cases for iPhone to Win

Yesterday we published a short review of the OtterBox Defender Series Case for iPhone 4, which we consider to be one of the best “heavy duty” cases for iPhone. It seems that our review got the attention of the fine folks at OtterBox who decided to giveaway 4 of those cases to iPhone Download Blog readers.
Because iDB is an equal opportunity blog, we’re going to put up a contest where anyone will have a chance to win. As usual, the rules of the contest are pretty simple…
In order to enter to win one of these 4 Defender cases, simply leave a comment below and tell us why we should pick you. The comment can be witty, geeky, or anything you want. Just try to be creative.
For more chances to win:
  • Retweet this by using the “tweet” button at the top and bottom of the post
  • “Like” this post on Facebook (see “like” button at the top and bottom)
  • Subscribe to our RSS feed
This contest is opened to anyone who owns an iPhone 4. Because the Defender is a universal case, it can fit both GSM and CDMA iPhone 4 models, so if you have a Verizon iPhone, you’re invited to participate too.
We’ll announce the winners next Tuesday, and we will contact them by email.
If you’re one of those unlucky cats, and you know for sure you’re not going to win anything, you can always get 10% off a Defender Case or any OtterBox cases by entering coupon code iDB201103A (case sensitive) when you purchase from here.
Good luck, everyone!
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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iOS 4.3 Gets the Jailbreak Treatment

Well folks, it didn’t take long for iOS 4.3 to be officially jailbroken. Just about 24 hours after being released, iOS hacker i0n1c apparently successfully jailbroke an iPad running iOS 4.3. The video below shows what seems to be an iPad iOS 4.3 launching Cydia.
This jailbreak is also supposed to be untethered (hassle free)…

So far this video doesn’t prove much though. The iOS version in the could easily be faked and all this could just be an attempt at getting attention. i0n1c didn’t make any comment about it and we have no indication he might release his jailbreak (again, is this the proof this video is a fake?).
Maybe I’m just too skeptical. What do you think? Real? Fake?
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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‘More Icon Folder’ for the App-Happy iPhone User

Even with the large amount of fantastic apps available for iOS these days, I try to keep my spring board as clean as possible. In fact, I was ecstatic when Apple announced the new folders feature in their last major overhaul of their iPhone software. In Apple-like fashion, the feature was easy to use, but came with some limitations.
You may only have 4 icons per row, with a limit of 12 total icons per folder. For most people that’s more than enough to help you organize your cluttered home screen. But if you are a power user with more apps than the average joe, this limitation can be frustrating. But don’t get too discouraged. If you are jailbroken, you certainly have options to fix this….
Apps like InfiniFolders and FolderEnhancer have allowed you to customize your folders before, but in my opinion were a little buggy. So what if you want a solution that is easy, reliable, and takes up no space on your home screen?
Enter ‘More Icon Folder’ from CyberDuck. This application will allow you to set the number of icons that you want per row, as well as remove the 12 icon limit we were discussing earlier. Just pop into Cydia and do a search for “More Icon Folder”. Once installed, head over to your ‘’ and scroll towards the bottom to access the app.
The More Icon Folder setting screen is extremely simple, and I like that it didn’t add another icon to my main screen. It just gives you one option, which is to select the number of icons you want per row in your folders. It ranges from one to ten, but be careful things don’t get too crowded. Even at 5 icons per row, I noticed I had application labels overlapping.
I typically like to keep things neat and tidy on my home screen. I am very particular about what apps I keep on my precious iPhone. But if you are struggling with organizing all of your icons, or if you’re the type that doesn’t like to be told what you can and can’t do, this app is for you.
Are you an app hoarder and in need of something like this? Do you use something similar? Tell us below!
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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‘Springtomize’ Brings an Insane Level of Springboard Customization to the iPhone

Okay Mr. Bigarella, you’ve outdone yourself this time. That’s the only phrase that popped into my head upon installing Springtomize and discerning how gaudy his latest jailbreak tweak is.
There’s simply no better description for Springtomize — a jailbreak tweak that takes about 50 other jailbreak tweaks, and rolls them all into one.
In fact, there are so many options here, that it could prove to be a bit overwhelming for those just looking to add slight customizations to their iPhones.
But that’s not who Springtomize is aimed at. It’s aimed at those who want absolute 100% control over the look and feel of their iPhone; it does a pretty good job of doing so too…

Think of any tweak that visually customizes your iPhone’s springboard, and you can almost guarantee that Springtomize has it. From customizations to your status bar, to adjustments to your dock, it’s all here.
Springtomize sits subtly in your, not exactly clueing you in on the variety of options contained within. Once inside, though, you’re presented with nearly a dozen different sections to change the look and feel of your iPhone.

From icons, to docks, to status bars and lockscreens, it’s all here. Folders? Check. App switcher? Roger that. There are even custom docks if you’re into that sort of thing.
In a nutshell, Springtomize is like the Walmart of jailbreak tweaks. Come for eggs, and pick up a new vacuum while you’re at it.
If all of that wasn’t enough, the tweak even includes the ability to save custom icon layouts. Say you wanted to keep a specific look to the way your icons are organized, Springtomize allows you to save your springboard’s specific icon state.

When you want to revert to your saved layout, simply tap the name of your layout and respring. All of your icons will appear just like you configured them after the respring. I tested this out and it works just as advertised; it’s an extremely handy feature to have bundled in amongst all of these other features.

Springtomize is not yet available in the Cydia store, but according to developer Filippo Bigarella, it should be available soon for the reasonable price of $2.99. There will also be a free lite version for those who want to try before they buy.
Does Springtomize have your interest piqued?
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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Chủ nhật, ngày 13 tháng ba năm 2011

New iPhone App Development Software Available

Do you aspire to be an iPhone developer? Maybe, you have some million dollar ideas and just had no clue where to start. Well, allow me to point you in the right direction. Apple’s iOS App development software, Xcode, has been a quiet factor in the huge success of the App Store.
Integrated, all in one, easy to use tools are a few things that make Xcode so attractive to developers. It’s everything you need to make an app, from start to finish, and even includes an iOS simulator so you can see what your app will look like on the actual device. Xcode 4 is free to registered members of Apple’s developer program, and available now. Not a member? No sweat….
For the first time ever, Apple’s award-winning SDK (Software Development Kit) is available to the masses in the Mac App Store, for just $4.99. Seems like a small price to pay, when you think of the possibilities. Since the iOS App Store’s introduction in 2008, there have been several stories of nearly overnight millionaires.
Although Xcode 4 promises to bring a newly redesigned user interface, some code writing abilities are still required. If you’re thinking you might want to make an iPhone application, you better brush up on your Objective C (just a programming language). Don’t worry, there are tons of resources to help you get started. It’ll just take some time and dedication to learn the lingo.
It’s important to note that you do not get a lot of the same benefits with the $4.99 application as you do with the $99 annual subscription to the developer program. As a registered developer, you get access to all of those beta and GM versions of Apple’s latest firmware before it hits the masses. You are also able to ‘build to your device’, meaning you can push your app to your iDevice, so you can try your app in the real world.
Here at iDB, we aren’t just about jailbreaking and unlocking. We want to see the iOS community grow in all aspects, including app development. Although you’ll be fighting about 400,000 other applications for the spotlight, Apple’s 70/30 rule ensures you’ll see most of the profit that your app generates. That means that if your application makes $100, Apple will only charge $30 to host and distribute your app to its gigantic user base.
Does anyone here think they have what it takes to make the next ‘Angry Birds’ ? Tell us about it below.
[via iphonedownloadblog]

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